Steve Trumpeter Everloving Aries, released 31 December 2009 1. Summer In September 2. Little Remains That We Cannot Do 3. Desperate Criminal 4. The Good Land 5. I Can Feel It 6. Ahab's Bitter Hand 7. Found 8. Boardrock 9. Flatline For Me, Baby 10. Procrastinator Prognosticator 11. The Low Onset 12.

Everloving Aries

A collection of songs I wrote in 2008-2009. Me on guitar, bass, drums, keys, sax, banjo, mandolin, vocals and computers (not all at once). Pure narcissism, but please listen anyway.

1. Summer In September 02:42

2. Little Remains That We Cannot Do 05:39

3. Desperate Criminal 03:28

4. The Good Land 02:57

5. I Can Feel It 03:56

6. Ahab's Bitter Hand 03:55

7. Found 03:53

8. Boardrock 01:33

9. Flatline For Me, Baby 04:26

10. Procrastinator Prognosticator 06:18

11. The Low Onset 05:01

12. This Cubicle Dream 02:28

13. What Kind Of Drugs Do They Do In Japan? 02:38


The Infrasonics: Live at the Abbey Pub