New Story at Bartleby Snopes
This week, my story "Easy Street" is featured at the online lit mag Bartleby Snopes. I wrote this to be read at the Fictlicious Easy Show a couple months ago.This story is unique in that it got accepted at the first place I submitted it to. For shorter stories, I really like the idea of online lit mags, since everyone has the chance to read them and they remain available as long as the site does. Bartleby Snopes seemed like a great fit for this story, as they seem to curate their work with care. The stories I've read there are ecclectic in both style and subject, but consistently interesting. They specialize in shorter stories and flash fiction, and it's a great site to check into frequently for a quick shot of literature (they post two new stories per week). They also have a blog that is full of interesting writing tips, and their submission guidelines are refreshingly straightforward.If you're so inclined, please take a few minutes to check out "Easy Street." It's short and sweet, but still felt very full to me. And if you'd be so kind, go back next week when the story of the month voting opens up and give me some love.p.s. While you're there, check out Jim Powell's "Toyland" from a few weeks ago. Nice piece of writing, that one.